fanlistings site home

H ello

You've come upon the little space known as Jennifer's Place! This is a fanlisting collective site owned by yours truly, Jennifer.

S tats

This collective hosts 3 fanlistings and has 0 fanlistings on upcoming.

U pdate

January 6, 2009: I finally got a domain name that wasn't taken! should be up soon. :)

December 29, 2008: Kya picked me as a winner of the domain contest she had! I'm very grateful that I get to have a free domain for a year and I hope I'll be able to renew it when the year is up.

November 9, 2008: The movielisting for Johnny Depp characters & movies is finished!

October 28, 2008: The fanlisting for Candy Canes is finished! Something happened to the members list for the Renesmee "Nessie" Cullen fanlisting and it got erased somehow. Since I use BellaBuffs, there is no database back up and I hadn't made a back up myself yet because it had only been opened a little over a month, so I would like to ask the members that joined before October 28th to please rejoin.

September 06, 2008: The fanlisting for Nessie is finished!

D isclaimer

The sites contained within this place are all fan based. I don't own or know any of the subjects personally. I just love them and no infringement is intended. If you have any concerns, feel free to write me. The domain was purchased for me by Kya.

2008 Jennifer's Place